Happy Halloween!!
Tried my very best to replicate this Star Wars character... How'd I do?
Art Director in L.A. This is my weblog about everything around me: art & design, photographs and taking photos, personal news, outside news that interests me, gadgets and electronics, ...anything!
My external hard drive from work died today. May it rest in peace... but I'm hoping good news can come out of this mess. I need to retrieve all my crap out of there before i can properly bury it... and btw, don't ever get a maxtor. =/
Hit me up if you want any of the following mp3 ringtones I made...
if anyone wants in, lmk. just email me thru this post with some pics of ur collection, and an invite might come thru ur way in ur email inbox!
Jason taking a spill out in the middle of "victor-nowhere-ville". Broke some bones, but he's a fighter. Gives me flashbacks too of the day i got hurt snowboarding... SNAP!!
Its that month again! What can i do for 2006???? I'll think of something.
looks like its still holding up. gotta make one for me now.
nuf sed.
so cool tho, yet scary! thanks for the link Jaime.
Hi bubs! I really like your guns! Can I kiss them?
Love you! -MJ
i love this pic. took it way back in the day.
"just the two of us"
wow i dont think i have that sweater anymore either?
check these vidz out!