Art Director in L.A. This is my weblog about everything around me: art & design, photographs and taking photos, personal news, outside news that interests me, gadgets and electronics, ...anything!
Finally got back around to surfing for some vinyl figures again tonight and found the pic that Jack Muramatsu from VinylPulse took on the July 22nd during Buff Fest at MunkyKing on Melrose. Click on the humongous pic to read the article or -CLICK HERE- since you're reading my short amazing blog anyway.
I like sneakers, graphic design, photography and taking pictures of my own, urban art, urban vinyl figures, Dunks, Dodgers, Lakers, Tshirt design and silkscreenin Ts, steak, transformers(OG), macross, Jordans, anything APPLE, playing HALO, biking, snowboarding, and i love my wife MJ and of course my baby Kylee